Friday, October 8, 2010

Who’s in your corner?

Things are getting more difficult. About a year ago, both me and my sister admitted to each other we were having troubles fighting off doubts. We knew it is Satan attacking us. We found support in each other and encouraged each other.

Everyone needs someone they can turn to for encouragement and comfort.
For thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat, when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall. (Isaiah 25:4)
Who do you know that can be a harbor in the storm for you? (And are you willing to do the same for them in the most loving way?) Gather around yourself the best people you can find, thoughtful people who can give you wise answers, even if they aren’t the easy answers.

Heavenly Father can be our confidant if we let Him.

During my first year in college, often when I was coming home from school to my dorm room I would wish I had someone who really cared about me who would be willing to listen to me tell about my day. My roommate was an okay person, but not entirely “simpatico”, so I didn’t feel like she was one I could really talk to. One day I was thinking about it yet again and I realized that I could make Heavenly Father my confidant and share my day with Him. That made a big difference.


Lady Ozma and Million Pillowcase Kid said...

This really touched me. Maybe because I felt i could relate to some of it? Probably.

Thanks for putting this up and reminding me that I never alone and I always have someone to lean on.

I read this when it first got announced on twitter, I just wasn't brave enough to comment.

Also, thanks for visiting my blog! I replied. :)

Lady Ozma

Anonymous said...

I, too, have found that Heavenly Father can be my confidant.

Throughout my life, when I've had no where else to turn, I've listened to the gentle reminder that I can pray. Even though it doesn't feel the same (at least at first) - there doesn't seem to be instant obvious communication. However, I know that through continued prayer, we can talk to Heavenly Father - and the advice He gives is always the information that will actually help the situation.

Thanks for this post. It is a powerful reminder of the Love Heavenly Father has for each of us.

Jocelyn Christensen said...

When I left for college, my mother told me to turn my thoughts to the Lord...while I walked to and from class, just talk to Him in my mind. And it did make for a wonderful experience during that time of my life!