
Monday, March 4, 2013

All Things Done By the Word of God

Here is Nephi’s interpretation to his brothers of the miraculous events in the Book of Exodus:

And it came to pass that according to his word he did destroy them;
and according to his word he did lead them;
and according to his word he did do all things for them;
and there was not any thing done save it were by his word.
( 1 Nephi 17:31)

We might think that the summary “there was not anything done save it were by his word” implies that the children of Israel did everything only by commandment and initiative was frowned upon.   But that isn’t really what this says.  The first part of the verse talks about how the Lord did things for and to the children of Israel “according to his word,” meaning that the Lord told them what He was going to do before He did it.  That is what the summary means, and a better rendering of it might be, “there was not anything done by him save it were by his word.”  It is not to imply that righteous initiative was forbidden or squelched.

We may ask, “Are all things done by the Lord today according to His word?”  I believe yes.  I think we’ve seen one example with the announcement about lowering missionary age.  The word of the Lord came through the prophet and is being carried out.


  1. I have always found a measure of comfort in always makes me think of Amos 3:7 - "Surely the Lord will do nothing, but he revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets."

    The bad things, the good things, everything - Heavenly Father lets us in on. He gives us prophets, He has given us scriptures, He gives us direct and personal revelation. We don't have to live blindly, but can be guided through our lives.

    It is up to us to listen to Him.

    I also like your example - of the missionary age change. I like that our church is dynamic. While the doctrines don't change, we have grown as a church and policies do change. Knowing that we have an active, Living God - who guides us with His word - is super comforting.

    anyways...I love the new look!

  2. Not only that, but I think He lets us in on these things often before we see any need for them, and He does it so that we can testify that He really does know what is going to happen.)
    Examples of this I can think of are:
    1) Family Proclamation
    2) Instructions to strengthen the family
    3) Instructions to get out of debt
    4) Warnings against pornography.
